Monday, February 8, 2010

It's neither here nor there...

I have arrived! I am officially living in Perth (woot! woot!)
Having been here for 2 days, I can already derive some similarities and differences:

It's all the same to me
  • My housing consists of one common room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms (

  • No eating or drinking in the Computer labs
  • Cell phones (or should I say, "mobiles") aren't cheap

  • Same TV shows: Brothers and Sisters, Lost

  • Target, Mejer, Coles (similar name, but not at all the same)

  • Farmer's Markets still have the best quality fruits and veggies

  • Public Trans is the way to go

No shirt, no shoes, still service

  • Walking around the grocery store without shoes or shirt, is apparently completly acceptable

  • Everything is at the mall : Banks, grocery stores, department stores

  • The diving pool at the public pool, doesn't have any diving boards

  • Trash bins = Rubbish containers. A whole new meaning to, "that's just rubbish!"

  • Asking for a glass of water is unheard of and an easy way to tell I'm an American

  • "Looking for a trolley" doesn't not mean you need transportation but rather a grocery cart (you can imagine my confusion when we were only 1/4 mile away from my apartment and a friend suggested we catch a trolley for my things)

  • Stevie = girls name
  • A WAAPA (pronounce Whopper) isn't a quarter pounder, but rather an prestigious arts college here on campus

  • "Ice Water" is not a phrase I'll be hearing much...water is served very much warm

  • Full time, only has classes two-three days a week (but should still be taken seriously)
  • An entire bag of plums (amt: 16) cost 2.34 AUD (less than $2 USA)
  • Although same shows, a whole season behind (Kitty just found out she was prego)

Cheers, Beccs


Caitlin jordan said...

- Is Australia Target as amazing as US Target?
- What is a diving pool, if no diving boards?
- What do they get if not a glass of water?
- Is it bad to be American?
- Why would you catch a trolley 1/4 mile from your apartment? Where would this trolley come from? Do they just have them on the streets? (I'm picturing a cart lady in NYC with seven coats on)
- Does that mean you won't be chomping on ice much?
- Does that mean you will be eating a lot of plums?
- Have you had tim tams yet??

I love you!

Becca said...

In order:
Australia Target, does not compare
You can only dive, not jump
Sodas, water bottles, or juice
It is not bad to be American, in fact welcomed!
Lol, your picture is not far off
I bought an ice tray
I do love plums!!
Yes I have had tim tams!! Unlike any other chocolates
I love you too!

Jon said...

Hi Becca this is Mrs. Fitzpatrick's homeroom, aka hound dog team. We are excited to chat with you! :-)

1. How long was the plane ride?
2. Is it hotter than expected?
3. How many people ask you if you are American?
4. Do they serve ice in the warm water?
5. What kind of wildlife have you seen?
6. Do some small animals walk through the markets there?
7. What other words have you come across that have different meanings here in America, like trolley and green pepper?
8. Is there a speed limit? Is it in metric?
9. How different is the food?
10. Is there baseball? If so, what is it called? Is soccer called football, like in Europe? Do they have bowling alleys?
11. What is the currency exchange? What’s an AUD?
12. Do they dress differently than Americans?
13. Do they have McDonald’s and Burger Kings?
14. How do you feel about the time difference, did you get jet lag?