Monday, February 15, 2010

"Train" ing for Tessa

Has your car ever gone cross country, without you?
My newly found friend from Melbourne, Tessa, sent her car across Australia to arrive in Perth four days after her. The cost: 600 AUD
Which is more than she would have paid in gas alone. Good deal?
This is the story of Tessa's Train day.

This is her apartment, which has become where I spend a majority of my time. In fact, on their whiteboard they have all the numbers of the roomies including mine. When I tried to leave to make my own dinner (in my own apartment) I was scolded and told I should know that I am expected to eat with the "family". As an early riser, I bring my breakfast over in the morning and make sure the others are awake in time for their own agendas.
To put it plain, I spend more time here, than at my own place.

Then, off we were with Courtney driving us to train station to pick up Tessa's Mercedes.
Where exactly? We weren't sure. So we wandered around in our swimsuit cover ups, sunnies (sunglasses) and thongs (aka flip flops) not quite knowing what to expect. After knocking on a few doors, we knew just where to go!

Ah, atlas here we waited just as eager as the curious boy in the picture to see how the cars were going to be unloaded, inspected, quarantined, and then released again onto the road.

It seems to me, it isn't about the car your driving or what luggage it holds but rather the journey it takes you on to get where you are. To this boy, the car's journey was like watching a friend safely arrive. To Tessa it meant extended freedom. To me, it meant we were finally on our way to the beach!

Cheers, a beach bum

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