Sunday, May 16, 2010


Welcome to Annalakshmi! Annalakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of Food and also a vegetarian Indian restaurant right next to the Bell Tower along Swan River. It is the kind of place that doesn't bother with advertisement because word of mouth travels faster.

The second story dining room is only open for lunch and dinner which probably helps keep costs down. The food was scrumptious. Mallory and I visited tonight and helped ourselves to naan, a sort of pumpkin soup, jalapeno jasmine rice topped with cauliflower curry, and this cabbage salad including cranberry with some sort of nut (that tasted real fresh since there wasn't any time of dressing on it! Simple but a nice tool to cool the tongue off after curry).

Naan (Indian Bread)

Now here comes the cool part : they believe that each guest should "eat as they like, and pay as they feel". Meaning after the meal has been enjoyed you pay the host what you feel was appropriate.

Even more impressive is that the cooking/help staff isn't really staff at all but volunteers from the Perth area. Then, each guest's donations are taken to resupply the restaurant in addition to helping out a health organization for women around the world.

Neat place, hey?
Don't only take my word on it, check it out:

Cheers, from a well fed guest

P.s. pictures thanks to and

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