Monday, May 10, 2010

Another piece of the puzzle

A couple more pieces have fallen into place in this puzzle of Australian culture. I warn you they may seem backwards but all the corners fit.

I was asked this weekend on my sailing excursion how I feel Australians are different from Americans. I gave it some think and one response included that everyone is more relaxed here. Meaning : one of my classmates turned in a assignment an entire week late (did I mention it was 60 percent of our grade?) something that wouldn't fly at MSU. But here is the puzzler: if the people are more relaxed then why is wearing PJs outside of the apartment such a no-no? (this includes track pants in public, which you are guaranteed at least one comment inquiring if you are going to the gym)

Want another?
It is starting to get colder as the leaves change. This morning it was only 50 degrees at 8:30 am and 70 degrees by noon in comparison to the 105 degree weather in February. My roommate started singing the infamous Christmas carol to reflect the temperature change " Oh the weather outside is frightful..." and I am sure you know the rest. So here is the puzzler: If their Christmas is in the middle of summer here and often includes bbq on the beach then why are there not more Christmas songs about Xmas under the sun?
(warning: I already asked if there are Aussie Christmas songs and if there are, not any that my roommate acknowledged)

So there you have it, some backwards looking pieces that are indeed still a fit into the Western Aussie cultural puzzle.

Cheers, from a puzzling gal
p.s. picture thanks to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey becca, check out 6 white boomers by Rolf Harris, and this one is words changed of jingle bells- you tube shall help ya there
and this one
there are a few but little are known i know of these from the days of being in a small country town school choir embaressing i know... so maybe u can play these at christmas time in america to remember australia