Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a small world after all....

Meet Perry and Glenn. Perry I have known since the beginning of Junior High. Anyone remember our Perry-Perry April Birthday Party in the eighth grade? We went our separate ways in High School going to different schools. Turns out after all these years we have a common love for studying abroad. Two years ago she to came to Melbourne to study and on one of the first nights she met Glenn- the more confused looking of the pair (smile). She stayed for eighteen months, returned to Chicago for her final semester and now is in Perth! Why Perth? Glenn plays for the Australian Olympic Hockey Team, and was asked to move to Perth for training purposes. The picture pretty much describes their relationships : a bit of romance with a lot of goofiness.
Both Perrys in the same city? How could we not meet up? I kept Perry company as one of Glenn's hockey games and had a blast! Notice the green hockey field? Hockey= field hockey.
Turns out my jumper wasn't needed for my imagined ice arena...
A lot of laughter, new acquaintances, and a few drinks later we called it a night with plans for next time.
Cheers, from a Perry girl

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